viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

Christmas Tea for all the Toys ♥ Pink Saturday.

Este sabado no solo es rosa tambien
estamos invitados a un te navideño
con juguetes. La anfitriona es Ginger
y sus fantasticos ositos,pasen a visitarla,
un rico te nos espera.

Harry y Lucreacia ya estan preparados
para tomar el te.

Su amigo Federico, el oso blanco del sur,
esta acompañandolos con lindas melodias.

El te esta listo.

Un budin con frutas secas ideal para la ocasion.

Mmmm,esta riquisimo,tiene
gustito a cognac.
Cookies con forma de copo de nieve.

La navidad es una epoca magica ,
mil recuerdos se vienen a mi cabeza.
Beverly nos propone contar
uno de nuestra infancia.

Para mi los jazmines son parte de la navidad,
su aroma me hace volar a mi niñez, cosa que adoro.
"Jazmines para la virgen", así me decía mamá.
Dos plantas gigantes ocupaba parte del jardin y
perfumaba el patio en las noches de verano.
Me gustaba cortar sus flores...

Tengo en mi casa siempre jazmines
y en mi mesa de noche buena
estan presentes.
Es hermoso recordar,
y con el tiempo, cada vez más.

Los recuerdos son como las raíces y a la vez,
alimentan nuestro espíritu.
El niño que llevamos dentro nuestro, no debe perderse jamás.
En esta epoca del año mis recuerdos están muy presentes,
me es muy fácil acariciarlos.

42 comentarios:

  1. Hi Jorgelina! Lovely tea party and the photos are wonderful. I especially like the musical accompaniment. I wish I had thought of that! :D Oh, and we are going to have snowflake cookies too. I guess no party guests will go hungry in blogland today. Thank you for participating! Merry Merry Christmas!


  2. That was so cute with all the yummies and the gingerbread house....I enjoyed your Tea party very much! Hugs, Jennifer

  3. Hello Jorgelina so nice to meet you your tea party was lovely and I had a wonderful time. Although I am getting a little full up have to save room for everyone.

    Woodbury Park Bears

  4. Oh my dearest Jorgelina,
    I think I missed your last post!!! OH DEAR! This memory of your childhood is so endearing and I have many like it! I love your bears and the little pink piano! Where ever did you find that? Oh, I will never grow up! What a great idea Beverly had! I didn't know about it or else I would have joined in. I am so busy these days it is frightening!! Take care dear one, Anita

  5. Hi Jorgelina, thank you for visiting my blog. Your teddies are delightful. Everything you've shared makes Christmas feel so warm & inviting.

    Happy pink satuday - have a wonderful week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)
    PS: I have my first Christmas giveaway on my blog :)

  6. Ah si, si y Feliz Navidad to you as well!!! Your post just makes me smile from ear to ear....that white bear and his big cute adorable!!! Anita

  7. Hi Jorgelina, What a wonderful post...Love it all...Do hope you have time to stop over at my place for a visit...
    Merry Christmas

  8. Yummmmm! I'm glad I stopped by to sample your lovely sweets! What a wonderful Christmas tea party.

  9. Lovely tea party. My Granddaughters and I often have little tea parties with their dolls. The food looks delicious.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  10. On this first Saturday of December ♥Jappy Pink Saturday♥. I was away for a while and sure missed running around the blogs arnd seeing all of the goodies everyone was sharing.

    Thanks for the memory...

    It was a blessing for you to make my morning so much fun. Hoping that you and those you care about spend a wonderful weekend making memories that will last a lifetime☺

  11. Jorgelina, this is adorable! Love, love, love the tea party with the bears!

    And jasmine is wonderful! Such a divine scent. I didn't know it stood for the Virgin Mary. You taught me something new! :-)

    Happy Pink Saturday to you...



  12. Beautiful teaparty! I love the bear playing the piano. Thanks for visiting me today.

  13. Such a sweet tea party with all of the adorable animals and goodies to eat! Thanks for sharing and have a great Pink Saturday! Coralie

  14. Beautiful! And you have such talented bears! I love all the yummy treats! Enjoy your day! visit me!

  15. What a sweet post today Jorgelina. I love that your memory of Christmas include Jasmine. Now I'll think of you when I smell it.
    Your teddies are adorable too! Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. Feliz Navidad and happy Christmas Tea party for all the toys to you!!!
    It seems that you had a good time taking your phtos!

  17. Jorgelina amo los jazmines,por mi casa todos los jardines tienen jazmines, el aroma es embriagante. También habia uno en mi casa hasta que se apestó. Hermoso tu recuerdo, feliz finde, tía Elsa.

  18. Great pics!
    Feliz Navidade! Hugs, Kelly

  19. What a lovely post - everything is so pretty! Great tea party.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Jorgelina!

  20. What an adorable post, Jorgelina! I love the tea party. I also love jasmine - it is one of my favorite scents. Heavenly.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  21. hay hermosos recuerdos y tus palabras es cierto la navidad es magica.. besote grande

  22. What a lovely post. You've put me in the holiday spirit. Have a wonderful day.

  23. Oooooh!! Yo también quiero tomar un Christmas tea con vosotras!! menuda pinta deliciosa tiene el plum cake! ;-))

  24. Hola Lorgelina,que bonito está tu blog!
    Y que ricas cosas en la foto Por Dios!
    Un beso grande

  25. Happy Pink Saturday Jorgelina, the bears are darling, they are so cute.

    I love the pictures on your post today.

    Have a wonderful weekend.



  26. That is the cutest tea party for sure. I love all of it. I think we should do it again in the good ol' summertime with a doll and teddy bare tea picnic!

  27. Hola Jorgelina:
    comparto lo de los jazmines, siempre me acompañan en las fiestas, es un olor único...
    buen fin de semana!

  28. Jorgelina, what a beautiful name!!! I am so happy you stopped by my blog, nice to meet you! I love your cute post on the tea party!!!
    Merry Christmas,
    Margaret B

  29. La tetera es de porcelana pero no se ve, yo no sé por qué... ¡Qué rico, un tecito con ese budín ! Los jazmines y las flores de lavanda, mis preferidas... Navidad y niñez están unidas en mí, y de ahí la magia... Besitos,

  30. Hello Jorgelina! It was very nice to see all your guests having such a good time!
    Hugs, Irene

  31. Thanks for stopping by my site it gave me the opportunity to visit your lovely blog. I enjoyed my visit and hope to return soon

  32. Happy Pink Saturday, Jorgelina.

    I love all of the pretty Christmas images. You are putting me in the mood to bake.

    Jasmine is one of my favorites, too. We had it growing when I was a child, and I always have at least one planted at my home. It evokes sweet memories.

    Thank you for sharing.

  33. I don't think it gets sweeter than that, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  34. Jorgelina, what a wonderful post! I love Christmas cake and those cookies look divine! You really outdid yourself!

    Thank you so much for sharing today . . . I really enjoyed myself at your party!

    Happy Belated Pink Saturday too!


  35. Hello Sweet lady,
    I thought I would come by for a visit.Love the banner and I love the tea for toys.i could use a cup myself. Are you ready for christmas? I'm never ready ,but it will come ready or not.
    I want to wish you the merriest of Christmases and May God bless you, XXOO Marie Antionette

  36. Wow! That pudin looks delicious!! Thanks for stopping by! Vanessa

  37. me encanta la hora del té, y esos ositos son de lo mas lindo... todo perfecto, un buen té, buena compañia y sobre todo Navidad, mis fechas favoritas.

    Muchisimos Besos

    Galia y Mamá

  38. Me encanto este post, hermoso :) como tu creo que siempre debemos "alimentar" a la niña o al niño que llevamos dentro :)
    Un abrazo y buen fin de semana,

  39. Tienes el blog precioso!! El hada de la Navidad, yo también pensé en ponerla por ahí, por el blog...quizá te la encuentres. Un abrazo grande!!
    El té en Navidad, es toda una delicia!!!

  40. Los ositos son preciosos, pero el pastel de frutas Mmmm, me ha abierto el apetito ;)

