sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013


Pasen ...Pasen...!!!
Mi casa se lleno de color ,risas,niños ,arañas y ruidos misteriosos. Sera que esta cerca la noche de brujas?

Otro año mas y van 6 que mi amiga Vanessa Valencia organiza
la fiesta de halloween mas esperada de America.
No dejen de pasar,es una anfitriona encantadora.

9 comentarios:

Linda dijo...

Wonderful images. I love it all. Please visit me:

Kelly dijo...

Hauntingly lovely time! Gracias!
Happy Halloween!

Laura S Reading dijo...

It was an enchanting time!

I hope you come visit me as well.


DREAMER dijo...

Haunted fun

I got a bit scared for a minutes...

Thank you for coming by my blog and glad u enjoyed

Xoxo Gina

Chrisy dijo...

…../ \🙊
Ghoulish tale! ...thank you for having me at your place, come on by and visit mine..if you dare...

Gerushia's New World dijo...

I speak only a wee bit of Spanish and yet, I could understand the loveliness of your Halloween party just perfectly!

Gerushia's New World

a fanciful twist dijo...

Si, que emocion, noche de brujitas por seguro!!!

Mil gracias por participar, y como siempre, sigues una amiga lindisima!!


Flora Cruft dijo...

Spooky images, what a great Halloween party!

If you haven't already, do come celebrate Halloween with me at my 2 little parties:

1. Feasting with the ghosts at:

2. Dancing with the witches at:

Unknown dijo...

Oh its like you had good fun, thank you inviting me along!

Happy Halloween!

Heidi at: http://heidis-box-of-various.blogspot.fr/2013/10/the-story-of-mary-jane.html